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Using provide and inject for Dependency Injection in Vue 3

Vue 3 introduces a built-in mechanism for dependency injection using the provide and inject APIs. This allows you to create a hierarchical dependency graph where components can share and access data without the need for explicit prop drilling.

Understanding provide and inject


  • Used by parent components to make data available to their descendant components.
  • Takes two arguments: the injection key (a unique identifier for the data) and the value to be provided.
// Parent component
provide('message', 'Hello from parent!');


  • Used by descendant components to access data provided by their ancestor components.
  • Takes one argument: the injection key used by the parent component.
// Child component
const message = inject('message');
console.log(message); // Output: Hello from parent!

Key Features of Dependency Injection with provide and inject:

  • Hierarchical Dependency Graph: Components can access data from multiple levels up the component tree.
  • Decoupled Components: Components are not tightly coupled to each other by props, promoting code reusability and maintainability.
  • Dynamic Data Sharing: Data can be dynamically updated and shared across components, enabling reactive and responsive applications.

Code Example: Sharing Data Across Components

Consider a scenario where you want to share a message across multiple components in your Vue 3 application:

1. Define the Injection Key:

const messageKey = Symbol('message'); // Unique injection key

2. Provide the Message in the Parent Component:

<script setup>
import { provide } from 'vue';

provide(messageKey, 'Hello from Vue 3!');

3. Consume the Message in Child Components:

<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue';

const message = inject(messageKey);
console.log(message); // Output: Hello from Vue 3!

Additional Considerations:

  • Default Values: You can provide a default value for the injected data using the second argument of inject.
const message = inject('message', 'Default message');
  • Reactivity: Changes to provided data will propagate to descendant components that are injecting the same key, ensuring data consistency.

  • TypeScript Support: TypeScript provides type annotations for provide and inject, enhancing type safety and code clarity.

By utilizing provide and inject effectively, you can build modular, reusable, and data-driven Vue 3 applications with improved maintainability and flexibility.
