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电视猫时间: 2024-07-10 21:07:53


To hide the built-in arrow in Element-UI's NavMenu, you can utilize CSS styles to target and override the appearance of the arrow element. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify the Arrow Element:

    Inspect the NavMenu component in your browser's developer tools to identify the specific HTML element that represents the arrow. Typically, it's an element with a class like el-menu-item-arrow.

  2. Target the Arrow Element with CSS:

    Create a CSS rule that targets the identified arrow element using its class or other appropriate selectors. For instance:

    .el-menu-item-arrow {
        /* CSS styles to hide the arrow */
        display: none;
  3. Apply the CSS Styles:

    Integrate the CSS rule into your project's CSS stylesheet or use inline styles within the component where the NavMenu is rendered.

By applying these CSS styles, you'll effectively hide the built-in arrow icon in the NavMenu items.

Additional Notes:

  • If you're using a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS, you might need to adjust the selector or use more specific targeting techniques to avoid conflicts with other styles.
  • Ensure that the CSS rule has higher specificity than any conflicting styles that might be applied by default or from other components.
  • Consider using a CSS-in-JS library like Styled Components or Emotion to dynamically inject the styles based on your component's state or props.

This approach allows you to customize the appearance of the NavMenu without modifying the underlying component code, preserving maintainability and code separation.
