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电视猫时间: 2024-07-09 12:12:38


Here's the PHP code for a port scanner tool that allows you to scan a range of IP addresses and ports for open connections:


class PortScanner {

    private $ipRange;
    private $portRange;
    private $timeout;

    public function __construct($ipRange, $portRange, $timeout = 1) {
        $this->ipRange = $ipRange;
        $this->portRange = $portRange;
        $this->timeout = $timeout;

    public function scan() {
        $openPorts = [];

        foreach ($this->getIPs() as $ip) {
            foreach ($this->getPorts() as $port) {
                if ($this->isPortOpen($ip, $port)) {
                    $openPorts[] = ["IP: $ip", "Port: $port"];

        return $openPorts;

    private function getIPs() {
        $ips = [];

        $ipRangeParts = explode('-', $this->ipRange);
        $startIP = ip2long($ipRangeParts[0]);
        $endIP = ip2long($ipRangeParts[1]);

        for ($ip = $startIP; $ip <= $endIP; $ip++) {
            $ips[] = long2ip($ip);

        return $ips;

    private function getPorts() {
        $ports = [];

        $portRangeParts = explode('-', $this->portRange);
        $startPort = intval($portRangeParts[0]);
        $endPort = intval($portRangeParts[1]);

        for ($port = $startPort; $port <= $endPort; $port++) {
            $ports[] = $port;

        return $ports;

    private function isPortOpen($ip, $port) {
        $socket = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
        if ($socket) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

// Example usage
$scanner = new PortScanner('', '25-80');
$openPorts = $scanner->scan();

if ($openPorts) {
    echo "Open ports:\n";
    foreach ($openPorts as $portInfo) {
        echo "  - " . implode(' ', $portInfo) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "No open ports found in the specified range.\n";


  1. PortScanner Class:

    • __construct(): Initializes the class with the IP range ($ipRange), port range ($portRange), and timeout ($timeout).
    • scan(): The main scanning function.
      • Iterates through the IP addresses and ports using getIPs() and getPorts() methods.
      • For each IP-port combination, calls isPortOpen() to check if the port is open.
      • Adds open ports to the $openPorts array.
      • Returns the $openPorts array.
    • getIPs(): Expands the IP range string ( into an array of individual IP addresses using ip2long() and long2ip().
    • getPorts(): Creates an array of ports within the specified range (25-80) using a simple loop.
    • isPortOpen(): Checks if a specific port on an IP is open using fsockopen().
      • Returns true if the port is open, false otherwise.
  2. Example Usage:

    • Creates a PortScanner object with the desired IP and port ranges.
    • Calls scan() to perform the port scan.
    • Checks if any open ports were found ($openPorts).
    • If open ports are found, prints a list of them.
    • Otherwise, indicates that no open ports were found.

Key Points:

  • This code provides a basic port scanning functionality.
  • You can modify the isPortOpen() function to handle different types of ports (e.g., TCP, UDP) and more advanced error handling.
  • Use