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电视猫时间: 2024-07-09 12:12:15


Sure, here's an example of how to use PHP and the Enqueue/AMQP-Lib library to implement task processing with RabbitMQ:

1. Install Enqueue/AMQP-Lib:

composer require enqueue/amqp-lib

2. Create a Worker Script:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Enqueue\AMQP\AMQPConnectionFactory;
use Enqueue\AMQP\Queue\QueueConsumer;
use Enqueue\AMQP\Queue\QueueSubscriber;

$connectionFactory = new AMQPConnectionFactory('amqp://localhost');
$connection = $connectionFactory->create();

$consumer = new QueueConsumer($connection, 'your-queue-name');
$subscriber = new QueueSubscriber($consumer);

$subscriber->subscribe(function ($message) {
    // Process the message here
    echo "Received message: " . $message->getBody() . "\n";

    // Acknowledge the message to indicate successful processing


3. Create a Task Publisher Script:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Enqueue\AMQP\AMQPConnectionFactory;
use Enqueue\AMQP\Queue\QueueProducer;

$connectionFactory = new AMQPConnectionFactory('amqp://localhost');
$connection = $connectionFactory->create();

$producer = new QueueProducer($connection, 'your-queue-name');

$message = new \AMQP\Message('This is a task message');

echo "Task message sent.\n";


Worker Script:

  1. Create AMQP Connection: Establishes a connection to the RabbitMQ server using the AMQPConnectionFactory and create() methods.
  2. Create Queue Consumer: Initializes a QueueConsumer object, which listens for messages on the specified queue (your-queue-name).
  3. Create Queue Subscriber: Creates a QueueSubscriber object using the QueueConsumer.
  4. Subscribe to Queue: Registers a callback function using subscribe() to be executed when a message is received.
    • The callback function receives the $message object, containing the message payload.
    • The message body can be accessed using $message->getBody().
    • To acknowledge successful processing, call $message->acknowledge().
  5. Start Subscriber Loop: Starts the subscriber->loop(), which continuously monitors the queue for incoming messages and triggers the callback function accordingly.

Task Publisher Script:

  1. Create AMQP Connection: Establishes a connection to the RabbitMQ server using the AMQPConnectionFactory and create() methods.
  2. Create Queue Producer: Initializes a QueueProducer object, which sends messages to the specified queue (your-queue-name).
  3. Create Message: Creates an \AMQP\Message object, containing the task message payload.
  4. Send Message: Sends the message to the queue using producer->send($message).


  • Replace your-queue-name with the actual name of your queue.
  • The worker script should be run continuously to receive and process messages.
  • The task publisher script can be run whenever you need to send a task to the queue.
  • This is a basic example, and you can extend it to fit your specific needs, such as using error handling, logging, and more complex message processing logic.